Dominica: Catholic Church states position on marriage and sexuality

The Catholic Church in Dominica has responded to the recent High Court decision recognising the right of same-sex adults to engage in consenting sexual activities in privacy. 

The Catholic Church in Dominica has made it clear in a statement that it holds a traditional view on marriage and sexual ethics, rooted in its religious teachings and moral beliefs. It was noted the Church’s stance on same-sex relationships and sexual activities is based on its interpretation of natural law and biblical principles. 

In response to the court decision, the Catholic Church reaffirmed its position on marriage and sexuality where the Church teaches that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman, and views same-sex sexual activities as contrary to this understanding. 

The Church said it acknowledges the dignity of all individuals and advocates for respect and compassion towards people with same-sex attractions. However, it upholds the belief that sexual acts outside of heterosexual marriage are inconsistent with its teachings. 

The Catholic Church is encouraging dialogue and understanding while remaining steadfast in its convictions regarding marriage and sexual morality. It also emphasizds the importance of upholding the sanctity of marriage and the family as foundational to the well-being of society. 

The Church said its response is rooted in its religious doctrines, which have as their basis God’s holy and unchanging word, and is intended to uphold its teachings on marriage and human sexuality, while promoting understanding and respect for all individuals. 

Crédito: Link de origem

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